Course curriculum

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    • Read Me First...

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    Module One- Tech Foundations

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    Module 2- Digging Deeper and a Director/ Owner

    • OHD Week 2 Lesson- Digging Deeper as a Director/ Owner

    • OHD Module 2-Digging Deeper As A Director PDF Presentation

    • OHD Week 2 Homework!

    • OHD Module 2 Office Hours Office Video

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    Module 3- Communication Tools

    • OHD- Week 3 Lesson- Communication Tools

    • OHD Module 3- Communication Tools PDF Presentation

    • OHD Module 3 Homework

    • OHD Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Example

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    Module 4- Marketing to Millions

    • OHD- Week 4 Lesson- Marketing to Million

    • OHD Module 4- Presenation PDF

    • OHD Module 4- Homework

    • OHD Module 3 and 4 Office Hours (Q and A Session)

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    Module 5: Online Learning Platforms (Class June 6th @ 10AM CST)

    • OHD Module 5 (Part 1 of 3)

    • OHD Module 5 (Part 2 of 3) Password-6h!o42+!

    • OHD Module 5 PDF Presentation

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    Module 6: Putting All It All

    • OHD Module 6 Lesson- Putting It All Together

    • OHD Module 6- PDF Presentation

    • OHD Module 6 Homework

    • OHD Module 6 Office Hours (Q and A)